Why do you want get organized in the New Year?

“Getting organized” is one of the top three resolutions people make for the New Year – right along with “losing weight” and “exercising more.” But what does getting organized really mean to you? For some, it means decluttering their homes and getting rid of unnecessary or extraneous items. For others, it might be managing their time and productivity more effectively. For solopreneurs or small business owners, it might mean doing a better job of keeping on top of their filing and finances, or maybe even going paper-less in the coming months.
Whatever “getting organized” may mean to you, the most important thing is to understand why it is important and to write down your reasons. For instance, if you want an uncluttered home, you might want to say, “I want less stuff to have to dust and clean” or “I want to save money by not buying duplicates of things I know I already have but can’t find” or “I want to move to a smaller place this year and can’t do it with so much stuff.” If you want to organize your time better, you might want to write, “I want stop wasting time looking for my important papers,” or “I want to save money by paying my bills on time.” If you’re self-employed (as I am), you might say, “I need to get better organized with my writing so I can publish a blog post on a regular basis” or “I need to organize my finances so I know how much I’m making and what I can afford to spend on advertising and marketing.”
There are as many reasons to get organized as there are people who want to get organized – your reason is specific to you, and to you alone. Getting organized is a process, and sometimes it can be a long and hard one. Writing down your reasons for doing so will help motivate you to take that first step and keeping them out and visible will help you stick to your goals  if you start to falter.
I’d love to know your reasons for getting organized this year!

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