Fujitsu ScanSnap

ScanSnapS1300i-470x300As a member of the Fujitsu ScanSnap Squad, I am dedicated to helping people achieve a clutter free desk and a stress free life through the advanced scanning technology found in the ScanSnap products. While there are many different types of scanners on the market today, the Fujitsu ScanSnap scanners stand apart from the rest. Here’s why.

1) They are portable. Forget those oversized flat bed scanners or the all-in-one printers that have a scanner built in. They are cumbersome, and you certainly can’t put one in your tote bag to take along with you if you need to take it somewhere. Even the largest of the ScanSnaps, the iX1600, takes up less than 12×6 inches of room on your desk. 

2) They are fast. Flat bed scanners, more often than not, take several minutes to scan just one or two pages and can only do one page at a time. All ScanSnap scanners have automatic feeders and other than the iX100, can scan multiple pages and duplex (both sides at one time). The  new iX1600 can scan 50 pages of documents in under two minutes. 

3) They work interchangeably on PC and Mac and have no limit on the number of computers you can install them on.

4) They can scan wirelessly as well as to  your  mobile device. Almost all the ScanSnaps can connect wirelessly to your computer and can also scan directly to your iPhone, iPad or Android using their free scanning app. 

5) Probably most importantly, they make your valuable information easily searchable. If you have a file cabinet, even one that is well organized, you still have to walk over to the file cabinet, open it up, pull out the file, and start rifling through the papers to find the document you want to find. And that’s if you’re well organized! With scanned paper, using OCR (optical character recognition) and a good system of naming and organizing your electronic files, you can sit at your desk, type in a key word on your computer, and the document you want will pop right up. This, more than anything, makes scanning so incredibly useful.

Once your documents are scanned, you need to make sure they are backed up, either on an external hard drive or in the cloud with a secure system or preferably both. There are many cloud based back up services, including BackBlaze Carbonite and IDrive. You will need to research which one best suits your needs. Once your files backed up and you determine that you don’t need the paper copy, any files containing sensitive or personal information should be shredded using a cross cut or confetti cut shredder. I recommend the Fellowes Powershred W-11C for regular home use or the Fellowes Powershred 79Ci for heavy duty shredding.

As you can see, I am a true scanning convert and would love to help you go paperless if you are interested in doing so. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have about the ScanSnap products, or if you would like to set up a virtual appointment to get started on getting your desktop and filing cabinets clear of paper for once and for all!

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Read more about how Fujitsu ScanSnaps can help you get organized:
Tips From Our Digital Trainers
Using ScanSnap to Help a Newly Independent Son
5 Easy Steps Using ScanSnap to Get Organized for Tax Season
Getting Organized for Summer: 10 Uses for the ScanSnap iX500
Going Paperless in 2014!
A Short List of Things to be Thankful for this Holiday Season
ScanSnap and Conquering the Business Card Pile Up
ScanSnap: A Professional Organizer’s Other Right Hand

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